
Video Marketing Trends

AI in Understanding Who Watches Videos: Helping Brands Do Better

Your video marketing campaign can shine with AI. AI will help you provide tailor-made content to your customers.

AI in Understanding Who Watches Videos: Helping Brands Do Better

Hello, marketing and brand folks! Today, Seraphina is here from Quarule and I am taking over the Envy Creative blog for us to talk about AI video. I’ve noticed that nowadays, brands, including mine, believe that videos are a more effective way to convey information and advertise products. However, guess? Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hidden weapon. 

Your video marketing campaign can shine with AI. AI will help you provide tailor-made content to your customers. We’ll show you AI-powered video analytics behind the scenes in this post. The tech will break down the tech in easy-to-understand terms, showing you how to use it. Use AI to boost your online marketing!

What role does video content play in today’s marketing?

In my experience navigating today’s fast-paced digital world, I’ve found video content to be more important than ever. Video content marketing helps you connect with your audience more deeply, build trust and credibility, show personality, and get creative in ways that written content simply can’t match.

As a business owner, video content marketing allows you to tell your story visually appealingly and promote brand awareness or increase sales. Consumers like it because it’s easy to digest, entertaining, and engaging. Customers will only buy your product when they understand what it does and how it will help them. 

Unsurprisingly, video content is such a good tool for this, as the visual element helps businesses clearly explain how things work. The official YouTube blog said people watch over a billion hours of YouTube content every day. Not making videos means you’re leaving money on the table because the video is now one of the most watched forms of online media.

AI contributes to improving video content strategies

To effectively engage my audience and drive results, I’ve turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to supercharge their video content strategies. Let’s follow us to discover more advantages of using AI in video marketing!

What AI technologies analyze video audiences?

Object identification and scene understanding

Recognizing actions, scenes, and objects in films allows for better content classification and better suggestions:

  • Facial and emotion recognition: Computer vision algorithms can assess mood, engagement, and behavior using facial expressions and body language.
  • Action and Motion tracking:  actions like sports plays, dance moves, or product interactions are analyzed to unlock new possibilities for performance analysis.
  • Voice recognition: AI able to analyze vocal tone and emotions for deeper audience understanding.

Machine Learning

Content makers may rapidly assess user reactions using AI-powered video analytics. This feedback loop lets you change the video tempo or fix technical difficulties immediately. AI systems can forecast audience preferences and trends by analyzing large datasets and social media. Twitter uses AI to identify hot topics and recommend related information, improving user engagement and real-time content delivery.

Automated Content Creation

This is one of the most powerful features that AI can offer marketers. AI can create personalized video summaries, trailers, or even content variations based on audience preferences and demographics. AI-generated content can save time and resources; however, it may require a human touch to ensure content aligns with brand values and quality standards.

How does AI help in collecting and processing user data?

I’ve leveraged AI to bring significant benefits to the process of collecting and processing user data. Compared to human researchers, AI-powered bots and crawlers can easily collect data from a wide range of sources, such as websites, social media, and online devices.

Moreover, they can access real-time resources, for example, tracking mouse movements or clicks on a website. To guarantee reliable and relevant data for analysis, AI systems may filter out irrelevant or incorrect data. This includes tasks like image recognition to filter out non-face data in facial recognition applications.

When it comes to processing, AI systems can go through huge amounts of user data much faster than old-fashioned methods. This can help find patterns and trends that no one else would have seen. Methods for handling huge amounts of written data, like natural language processing, fall into this group.

One of the biggest benefits of using AI is that it can customize user experiences by analyzing personal data and offering personalized recommendations, content, or services. Platforms like Netflix or Spotify use this to suggest specific content based on your viewing history.

As a user of Apple Music, I’ve personally experienced the profound impact of AI in collecting and processing user data. This technology has completely transformed my music-listening experience and how I engage with music. The AI-driven ‘For You’ section in Apple Music is wonderful, it discovers deep into my listening history, picking up on subtle patterns and preferences. Making it easier for me to find the music I love when I want to hear it.

Overall, by understanding user behavior, customizing experiences, and driving commercial success, AI has transformed the way we gather and handle user data. However, it’s crucial to remember that AI-powered data collection and processing also raise ethical concerns around user privacy and potential bias.

What are the ethical considerations when using AI for audience analysis? 

I’ve found that ethically aware people are more likely to trust my company when I use AI openly and honestly. Data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA are getting tighter. If you don’t follow them, you could face big fines and other legal problems. So, building a brand around AI practices that are moral and reliable leads to long-term success and customer loyalty.

Successful examples of brands using AI-driven personalization

AI-driven customization helps organizations generate more compelling video content, build customer connections, and succeed in competitive video marketing.

Shoppable Videos

For instance, in my experience with shoppable videos, I’ve used AI to detect items in videos and connect them to online stores, much like TikTok and Instagram do. The consumer experience is simplified, and video content becomes even more captivating with this flawless integration of entertainment and buying.

YouTube’s Recommendation Algorithm

This artificial intelligence behemoth examines your viewing habits, search terms, and interaction with particular video aspects to personalize video suggestions. You find yourself spending more time on the platform, discovering new stuff, and becoming hooked.

M&M’s Personalized Factory Tour

Create your very own M&M’s character and see it come to life as you follow along with the production process with M&M’s new virtual factory tour. A stronger sense of brand identification and closer relationships with customers are the results of this interactive and customized experience.

Can AI do Prediction Analytics and Trend Identification?

Here are some specific examples of how AI is being used for prediction analytics and trend identification:

  • YouTube’s recommendation algorithm: This AI-powered system tailors video recommendations to each viewer, keeping them engaged and exploring new content.
  • Facebook’s ad targeting: AI helps businesses target their video ads to specific demographics and interests, maximizing their reach and effectiveness.
  • Netflix’s content recommendations: AI analyzes user data to suggest personalized film and TV show recommendations, keeping viewers hooked on the platform.

How does AI enable personalized video recommendations?

I use AI to keep track of what my users do, like how many times they click, how long they watch, and how many times they finish a task, to see how useful ideas are. By changing suggestions right away based on what users say, this feedback process may help the system learn from their responses and make things more personal. AI can customize video ads based on what users have watched in the past. This makes the ads more relevant and effective, which could lead to higher response rates.

In my journey, I’ve learned that understanding your audience is key to success. That’s where AI emerges as the ultimate secret weapon, propelling video marketing strategies to success. So, unlock the potential of AI, and let your video marketing strategy soar to new heights!